Sick Pony is Sick

There haven’t been any real updates since the show because sadly, sir Smitty is a little under the weather.

After his post-show vacation I went to check on him, and saw a little discharge coming from his nose. Since he otherwise appeared bright eyed and ready to go, I saddled up and apparently worked the snot out of him, because soon there was yellow goop running down his nose and he started coughing throughout.

After calling it a day, I wiped him down, checked his temperature (101) and texted the vet that we needed some antibiotics. He’s now been on them for several days and looking markedly better, but still with a bit of discharge. The cough seems to have mostly gone away.

I’m keeping an eye on him and waiting for this little cold to completely clear up, but doing minimal work (read: 20 minutes WTC) makes for somewhat underwhelming blog content.

Feel better soon, Smitty!

10 thoughts on “Sick Pony is Sick

  1. oy this gives me flashbacks to the flu outbreak at my farm a couple springs ago…. ugh. sick horses are no fun! hopefully Smitty is right as rain asap!!!

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