Adventures in Horse Shopping: Love at first sight?

What is it about a horse that makes them the one for you? Do they just fall into your lap? Do you just know when you see them for the first time? Or does it take spending time with them or in the saddle to know if it’s the right decision?

Like I’ve said before, I think horse shopping is a lot like dating. Sometimes you know when it’s a clear ‘no’ (cue Meghan Trainor), and sometimes it’s a ‘yes’ (but don’t we all make mistakes sometimes?), and sometimes, of course, it’s a ‘maybe’. Just like I would probably swoon if Adam Levine came up and swept me off my feet, but that doesn’t mean he’s the right match for me in the long run. So what is it that makes it clear to us when we really have met our four-legged other half?

I don’t have a good answer, but I’m hoping I’ve found it. I’ve got a pre-purchase exam scheduled for next week, and I’m daydreaming that this is the answer I’ve been looking for. Keep your fingers crossed.


14 thoughts on “Adventures in Horse Shopping: Love at first sight?

  1. Congrats and hope all goes well! With our most recent horse purchase, it was not love at first site – but I knew within a half hour that she was the one.

  2. Fingers crossed for you! I think the most important part for me is a trial. There are some horses I’ve not been thrilled about at first that grew on me, and there have been some I loved that showed some less than stellar tendencies after a few rides.

  3. I think it’s one of those things that you “just know” when it’s right. Sort of like how they say you know when you found your wedding dress (which I don’t have personal experience with outside of watching Say Yes to the Dress on TLC occasionally).

    On the other hand, I didn’t click with Drifter for several months after I started riding him. I’m not sure if I’d have chosen him if I had been horse shopping, rather than being offered the opportunity to work with him long term as a sort of lease situation. In hindsight, that would have been a huge missed opportunity. Though I liked him, of course – after all, he’s a nice horse, what’s not to like? – I didn’t really LOVE him for a long time. Now that I do, we’ve really built that relationship so it’s even more meaningful to me.

    So I guess that’s a long way of saying…maybe you can have it both ways. 🙂

  4. Pingback: Love at first ride? | HUNTING PINK

  5. Ohhhhhh can’t wait to hear how it turns out!

    With Henry- I ran a million greenies by trainer and tried not to fall in love till she approved one lol!

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